Books Reserves & Interlibrary Loan

Complete instructions on how to submit reserve and interlibrary loan requests online are available here.


You may reserve a book in person at the library, through our online catalog, or you may reserve a book by e-mailing us. If you e-mail us, please be sure to include the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your phone number
  • Title of book
  • Author of book

We will acknowledge all e-mailed reserves and will notify you by e-mail or by phone when you may pick up your requested material(s).

Interlibrary Loan

You may request materials from other libraries by calling or e-mailing the library, or electronically through our online catalog. Materials usually take 7 to 14 days to arrive, and you will be notified when they arrive. Due dates are set by the lending library. Books published within the last six months may not be available for loan. Libraries set individual policies on loaning audio-visual materials.